US drone aircraft attacked North Waziristan to target militants on Tuesday. Ten people reportedly killed in the attack. The studies conducted on the US drone attacks on Pakistani areas show that these kind of attacks have not been successful to pin point the militants and one in each three killed people is an innocent civilian. Same is the reason for growing anti American sentiments in the country.
Pakistani people and Government already demanded that if US really want to make a contribution towards the restoring peace in the country by taking out militants, they must transfer the drone technology instead of taking control of things themselves on Pakistani soil and let the local forces plan and perform the controlled operations making sure that no civilians are hurt during the process.
Pakistani forces already used Jet Aircrafts to target the hiding culprits in those areas but no civilian causalities are reported in that case. Obama will have to take a decision here and will have to stop invading the country, even if he is doing this to help, there much other thing which can be done in this regard but invading the country’s airspace without the willingness of locals is not very much helpful. Also Pakistan Air force and forces are fully capable of taking any of these down easily but we Pakistanis are looking to keep the things on dialog.
On other side if US recognizes us as the front line state in war against terror or their partner in this war, they will have to respect the feelings of Pakistani Public and will have to act accordingly so that they don’t lose in our support in what they are doing in our region.