PTCL Launched 36Mbps CharJi Evo Wireless Internet but with unrealistic data limits

Recently PTCL have launched its next evo wireless device and claimed 36Mbps data transfer speed. Devices include normal EVO Dongle as well as Wifi cloud device to which different devices can connect using WiFi. Things are very much good till that point, after all we are getting unmatched wireless internet speed which none other have offered yet, but real problem arises when we look at data plans and their tariff which are as follows. They are offering two packages at the moment, both are available in Prepaid/Postpaid plans CharJi Gold – 50 GB Data Volume/Month – Charges: Rs. 3500/Month CharJi Chrome – 25 GB Data Volume/Month – Charges: Rs. 2000/Month After looking at two of these data planes anyone would […]

PTCL do not care its old valued customers plus tons of services but no value against them

For those who does not know, Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) is currently the only major land line telephony operator in Pakistan. They once used to be fully Government owned organization but it was later privatized partially, so currently the Etisalat (An Abu Dhabi based company) holds the 26% shares of organization along with the administration of PTCL. Still most of its part is government owned even now. Now along with land line telephony and DSL internet, PTCL also provides 3G evo wireless internet services in the country. PTCL currently claims to provide the highest internet speeds over their landline (ADSL) and evo 3G wireless networks. But the main problem with PTCL management is their main focus always is on […]

HEC Pakistan gets 10GB of Internet bandwidth

PTCL will be the provider to 10GB internet Bandwidth to the Higher Education Commission, this bandwidth is going to be used to facilitate the universities by introducing the services like video conferencing, digital libraries and access to the International education and research networks. This is the highest bandwidth which have been taken by any organization ever in Pakistan and this  10 Bandwidth is going to be used to form the network between the universities and institutes spread all over Pakistan. The initiative have been taken to encourage and back the research. This contract is a Part of Pakistan Education and Research Network 2 (PERN2) which is initiated earlier by HEC Pakistan. PERN2 includes the plans to provide huge number of […]