There are many global and local factors due to which the car manufactures here in Pakistan are not able to work on full capacity. These factors include global chip shortage and restrictions world over due to covid pandemic. The local factors are bans and limits imposed by state bank of Pakistan on imports of completely knocked down (CKD) kits of cars by manufacturers. Also ever changing in value and highly volatile Pakistani currency comes up as a hurdle where banks struggle to open the Line of Credit (LC) on any specific rate for the car manufacturers.
So, to sum it all up, the car manufacturers are able to come up with limited stock. Pak Suzuki is also facing same issues and it keeps opening and closing the bookings of its cars, at times and again.
So the news is, Pak Suzuki have announced via its all social media platforms that again the bookings for Suzuki Swift GLX-CVT are open but these bookings will be for limited time due to limited stock available in current circumstances. However, it is not that, once bookings are closed, they will be closed forever, they will definitely open again but only when new stock is available. So next time it may open after several months, subject to availability of stock.
Earlier Suzuki Pakistan had also announced a booking policy according to which they had communicated that from now on they will not take the bookings of its vehicles for more than 60 days, also this was accompanied by a price hold policy where anyone who have booked a vehicle today, if he/she get the delivery of vehicle within next 60 day, even if the price of vehicle changes meanwhile, the price will stay same for them. However, this do not apply to vehicles where vehicle does not deliver in time due to any factors which are not in control of Suzuki Pakistan.
So, if you are looking to buy Suzuki Swift GLX-CVT, this is your chance, as after the booking closes once the quota is over, who knows when booking will open again and at which price.