Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan have just addressed the nation in response to comments and allegations, which his family is facing the following the leaks in Panama papers. In his address to nation Mian Nawaz Sharif started with the history of Itifaq Foundries, how his father Mian Sharirf setup the Itifaq foundries, how the business was shutdown many times in the history. And than how the Sharif family restarted the business from scratch multiple times after being victimized for political and other reasons in different cases.
The main agenda of address to the nation was revealed in the end of the speech, which was, Mian Nawaz Sharif setup a judicial commission which will listen to any complaints by political rival or any body interested about the leaked story, they will than investigate that either the family members really are involved in any wrongdoing or illegal practices or not.
Watch the following full speech video.