Pakistan Museum of Natural History is situated near Shakarparian Islamabad. It is one of those places, there is a chance you would have passed from nearby but not have thought whats inside. Basically, it just looks like a govt building from outside but when you decide to inside, you wounder, why didn’t you visited earlier.
Skulls, bones and statues of many animals can be found inside. Specially the full body bones of big elephant, very big juraph and big blue whale can be found inside, in form of full body bones statue or skeleton. Similarly multiple statues are dinosaurs are there inside, which are motorized, they move and make noises.

There are lots of geological models of Pakistan’s geological sites are there, inside the museum, one such example is of full geological model of Khewra salt range and salt mines of Pakistan. Than statues, skeletons and models of large quantity of Pakistani animals can be found inside. Models or different kind of trees, lots of pictures and charts of different plants and animals are hung on the walls.

Samples of different kind of precious stones which can be mined from Pakistan are displayed in the museum. Than oils of different kind along with the plants from which these oils are extracted are displayed. Also big charts of our milky way galaxy, layers of core of earth and many other scientific charts and pictures are displayed in real big size.

Than there is full separate hall for displaying life under the sea, this hall have big skeletons of fishes, big models which are meters long, real samples of food of fishes and even there is an aquarium housing the alive fishes.

There is lots of history and science displayed for you there, which can’t all be described in words. So I recommend that you watched the Youtube video embedded at top of this post and secondly you should visit this place yourself and see all of those multiple halls on multiple floors of that big Pakistan Museum of Natural History.