Pak Suzuki to only take bookings for 60 days delivery time

Pak Suzuki have decided some key things regarding the delivery policy of vehicles, the most notable are regarding the bookings’ delivery time and the price hold period. This new policy have been introduced by Suzuki keeping in view the public backlash and difficulties it and other auto manufacturers of Pakistan are facing with governmental organizations regarding the CKD kits imports.

60 day booking policy

In past couple of years Pak Suzuki have been taking bookings of 3 to 4 months for lots of its vehicles, but now according to new 60 day booking policy, following terms will apply.

  • Pak Suzuki will only take booking for next 60 days only, if they do not have capacity to deliver a vehicle in next 60 days, bookings will be closed for that specific vehicle.
  • All dealerships have been allocated a quota, only bookings within that quota will be accepted, if a dealership do over quota bookings, those bookings will not be accepted.

Price hold policy

Along with 60 days booking policy, Pak Suzuki also introduced a price hold policy, which goes like following.

  • After a customer books a car, even if the car was booked on partial payment, the price changes, up and down will not apply on the booking and price will stay same for next 60 days.
  • If Pak Suzuki is not able to deliver in next 60 days due to circumstances which are not in control of Pak Suzuki, after that period, any price changes will apply to booking. However, if customer decides to not take the booked car, a get money back, they will be given back money and interest according to one month KIBOR rate.

Step towards right direction

Both price hold and 60 day booking policy in my opinion favors the customers. Due to lots of factors, main ones being global chip shortages and government of Pakistan’s import bans, companies take bookings but not able to deliver for even next 8 to 12 months. Moreover, those companies do not even give customer option to get their money back and those who give option to give money back, do charge some fee over it.

In such circumstances, this step of Pak Suzuki can set new precedent in the auto industry of Pakistan. More auto makers of Pakistan must follow this step of Pak Suzuki and give some relief to their customers in times when car prices are touching the skies and delivery times are also very high and unpredictable.

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