If you have been involved in process of purchasing any new car in Pakistan, there is a great chance that you would have good idea about the charges. Actually, all car makers of Pakistan charge you with freight charges, that is additional to the car’s listed price. They could be ranging from 15000 Rs. to much more depending on make and model of your car. Freight charges are actually the transportation cost the purchaser have to pay, that is transportation of cars from Karachi (where the most new cars are assembled) to the town where you are purchasing it.
Pak Suzuki have decided that they will not charge any freight charges to anyone purchasing their cars. The freight charges will be included already in current price of Suzuki cars. This initiative is already implemented from 1st of January, 2015. Moreover, cars will be available on same old rates, no additional amount have been added to all cars’ listed price. Which means no freight charges for Suzuki vehicles anymore. The offer can be availed at all Pak Suzuki’s Authorized Dealerships Nationwide.
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