How to get life time token for your car in punjab, easy steps

About couple of days ago as I shared my horrible experience of getting life time token for my car. It was horrible because there was no guidance there and also I didn’t knew the process either. I will now elaborate the whole process in easy steps which you have to follow, that will make your experience much easier. You can also read my experience about getting the life time token, if you want. These steps are valid for Punjab only, also remember now in Punjab for cars up to 1000cc you have to get life time token in any condition, cars up to 1000 cc can’t get yearly token now. So it would be one time process. So what you […]

One needs that special temperament to get things done from Pakistan Government offices – Part 2: Driving license renewal

Yesterday, I shared my experience about getting life time token for my car, how many queues I gone through, what difficulties I had faced and finally we had concluded with how that process could be made simple and can be real time saving for millions of people who go through the same situation daily. Today, I will share my experience of driving license renewal from the very next day, from Rawalpindi City Traffic Police office situated at Peshawar road Rawalpindi. This again was exhausting and very much complicated, which could have as simple as they come. As I reached outside of Traffic Police office at about 9:20am, I was told that I have to get in that queue in front […]

One needs that special temprament to get things done from Pakistan Government offices – Part 1: Life time token for car

You would have heard/experienced that in Pakistan to get things done, you need to go through long queues. Ok, getting in a queue and getting things done after some wait no so bad, because ultimately it would be your turn and you will get free. But unfortunately this is only true for Private sector Organizations etc in Pakistan. When you have to get something done from government offices, for just single simple thing, you have to go through long queues, not one not two but some times as more as ten also you must have that specific temperament and patience to get things done from Pakistani government offices. Let me share my two recent experiences. This Monday I decided get […]

Few words of wisdom on Skinder and Kanwal drama in Islamabad, Pakistan

After looking at the title you would have already reprieved correctly that I am referring to the Thursday 15th August Story took place on Jinnah Avenue in Blue Area Islamabad. A gun man Sikandar in his Toyota Corolla, with his wife Kanwal and two kids one girl and boy reached blue area. He hit a police car first, then he took out his two rifles including a SMG and started firing up into the sky, spreading some terror at first. Later on it was nothing less than a drama, things looked like a scene from a Hollywood movie, where the man with his family was in the middle and police had surrounded him from all over. As well as media […]

Aamir Liaqat Hussain Gives Away Babies in his show Called Amaan Ramzan

I was really shocked after hearing that to just get the ratings hike for his show Amaan Ramzan the controversial Aamir Liaqat is giving babies to so called un-expecting couples in his show. One such thing happened when Aamir Liaqat just handed over a baby to a couple, they even didn’t knew that its going to happen. Liaqat claims that its for good reason, it is to give the abandoned baby a good family. Is he serious, I and many others believe its just publicity and show rating stunt, previously he was giving away, bikes, cares and many other gifts like home appliances, suddenly this baby give away thing shocked people. One such family already received a baby and one […]