Exactly what is Wrong with Sharif Brothers in Terms of Running the Country

In times the Sharif Brothers (Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif) did way better than others. They have been able to start and/or complete some very important projects which helped the people of Pakistan. Motorways, no doubt about it that all those Motorways planned by Nawaz Sharif helped Pakistanis and reduced traveling times. Other recent project are all about the transportation. Lots of roads being renewed. Even the metros, whatever we say, but on end of day people are traveling on those metros and getting the benefit. In current tenure again they are going very good with infrastructure projects but same is point where we clearly see the problem. They put too much attention to infrastructure, mainly the transportation. Their priorities […]

Things to Consider Before Buying Fashion Jewelry

Jewelry is an accessory that women use in order to accent their appearance. There are many places where nice fashion jewelry can be found at a reasonable price including Tesoro.pk. But when it comes to our looks, it is always good to be choosy. Consciously selecting jewelry pieces will enable you to know which kind of jewelry will accentuate the best details about your appearance and make you stand out from the rest. Fashion Jewelry is commonly associated with cheaper price. That’s all well and good compared to fine jewelry, but then people tend to hoard on these pieces without considering for a second how the jewelry will look on them. When improving your appearance is the goal, then it […]

Eye to Eye Singer Tahir Shah makes a comeback with new song called Angel

Eye to Eye was the most hilarious and very much famous song which a Pakistani so called singer tried to sing. Everything about this song was a joke from lyrics to execution and specially singing. But same qualities had made this song very popular and Tahir Shah had gained some tv appearances. Now Tahir Shah have made a comeback with his new song called angel, which shares the same qualities. It have got funny lyrics which are not funny by intention of the singer. Again same unique and different singing voice of Tahir Shah which definitely have got the tendency to hurt your ears badly. This new video called angel which is just released, adds to the chaos by adding […]

PM Nawaz Sharif Address the Nation about Allegations on his Family (video)

Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan have just addressed the nation in response to comments and allegations, which his family is facing the following the leaks in Panama papers. In his address to nation Mian Nawaz Sharif started with the history of Itifaq Foundries, how his father Mian Sharirf setup the Itifaq foundries, how the business was shutdown many times in the history. And than how the Sharif family restarted the business from scratch multiple times after being victimized for political and other reasons in different cases. The main agenda of address to the nation was revealed in the end of the speech, which was, Mian Nawaz Sharif setup a judicial commission which will listen to any complaints […]

#Pakistan trends number one on twitter following the devastating Lahore Park Explosion

Sunday 27th of March which has just passed was definitely a tragic day for Pakistan and the World. Specifically due to the terrorists targeted the innocent civilians which include women and children in an explosion carried out in Park in Lahore. Also the blast was carried out keeping in mind that, its weekend and there will be most rush in the park. The explosion claimed the lives of 69 people till now and over 250 were injured in the explosion. However, the social media all over the world is exploding with the condolences, messages of love and unity from around the world for Pakistanis, following this unfortunate incident. From last several hours #Pakistan is trending number one in the worldwide […]