The dark age continues, Govt still says, lights ahead

In 2008 first time the ruling party had claimed that the load shedding will be taken away from the people of Pakistan once and for all on 31st Dec, 2008.  But they didn’t make it, in fact they were not able to bring any improvement. The things were better before, as compared to their rule. Soon after the ruling party changed their statements, probably they would have checked and planned on back-end, they came up saying the issue of power shortage will be resolved till the June 2009 and the people would have to bare with them. This time this seem to bit realistic and people thought, ok believe them. But again, as history repeats itself, ruling party was unable […]

Release of 100 was demanded by GHQ attackers

Major General Ather Abbas the military spokesman talked to the media on Monday and revealed the detailed information about the GHQ attack and operation in reply. He told that initially ten militants had attacked the GHQ building and five of them were actually taken down on first check post.  Overall death-toll at GHQ was 23 people. The attackers who were able to get through and held 42 hostages had their demands as well. They had initially demanded the release of 100 militants. These militants were arrested in different terrorism incidents, this was there initial demand and most likely more were coming up. But commando forces of Pakistan make this impossible for them be in position of getting any of demands […]

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We have been consistently improving our website to deliver information to more and more people. Now latest effort in this regard is that we have setup a feed which you can subscribe for via Email or a reader. Readers include your iGoogle page, your yahoo my page or many more. For getting the updates from to right inside your email inbox you have to just put in your email address inside the email subscription box in right side-bar, click subscribe and follow the steps. Second option is to get the updates via feed readers like iGoogle, MyYahoo page or many such other feed reading systems which provide you the facility to add different feeds in boxes and updates are […]

Twenty more people arrested in connection with GHQ attack

As previously when Pakistan Army wrapped up the operation at GHQ they had arrested Aqeel alias Dr. Usman. Now after some investigations Army arrested twenty more people in connection with Aqeel. Breaking into this locked house police men found the six army name plates, rank signs, army rank ribbons, fuse for rocket propped grenades, anti-tank mine fuse and some  other weapons. Army had already located the owner of a rent house in Humak and arrested him. Police had raided into the house after they received the information about some suspected people in army uniforms going into the house. However while the raiding into house police was not able to arrest anyone as they had broken into the locked house. This […]

India test fires Prithvi-II ground to ground Missile

India test fired Prithvi-II ground to ground missile on Monday. According to officials this was a successful test of the weapon. This missile is capable of carrying one tonne of Nuclear war head. The ground to ground range of this missile can vary from 150 to 350 killo-meters. This missile was last tested on 15th April this year. Reminding that Pakistan have already tested the missiles with much more capability, like 2000 to 3000 km of ground to ground range, successfully and they are properly handed over to the security forces of Pakistan. But had claimed to successfully test the missiles in past but they had actually didn’t hit there targets with precision, also same is the reason that Indians […]