Resistance from militants continues, Pakistan security forces respond with fighter jets

In South Waziristan, which have been militants’ strong hold in Pakistan, the militant were again planning and executing some attacks. Most recent was the one which had killed 81 people by the militants. To stop them security forces again responded with an Air strike to weaken the hiding militants. Stats from Government suggest that 18 of militants were killed and three militant hideouts were completely destroyed during this air strike. To be exact the air strike was directed towards the Ghund Mela village of Orakzai taking out many militants. Militants hiding in these areas are believed to be cause of countrywide on going violence in Pakistan, which mostly consists of explosions and bullet firings in few other cases. In more than last […]

New Apple iPad changes the way we use portable computers, Apple IPad touch screen tablet pc

Apple have recently introduced their new portable computer, which is called IPad. It is a touch screen computer with no physical keyboard or any kind of controls, relies only and only on its touch screen for all controls. Apple IPad is far more powerful than any previous tablet PCs, its light weight and have size equal to normal size text pad. Browsing web is much easier than any other portable device, also it features the on screen keyboard exactly equal to the size of laptop’s keyboard, so makes the documents creation and web browsing very much easy. When talk of photos, videos and games, it deals with these all very well, photo viewing and video viewing with this little gadget […]

CCTV Cameras on seurity checkpoints in Pakistan, Use of technology towards National Security

There are not many public places in Pakistan where the security cameras are installed by the government however the private organizations, banks, institutions and markets install the cameras. Recently some government security checkpoints have claimed to be using the security cams at their places, as you see in the image, this picture was taken on a highway inside Rawalpindi which is under both Military police from Pakistan Army and Punjab police. Specifically this one is in Cantt area. A little cabin have also been seen on the same check-post which seems to be the control or monitoring room for these cameras. It is encouraging the now security checkpoints in Pakistan have also started making use of technology, the security cameras […]

Takmeel-e-Pakistan resolution by Zaid Hamid in Lahore on 23rd March

A new resolution called Takmeel-e-Pakistan proposed by Zaid Hamid is going to be passed on same place, the Minar-e-Pakistan where 70 years back Pakistan resolution was passed and resulted in the current existence of Pakistan as a country on world map. The idea is that Takmeel-e-Pakistan resolution will be initiating the Takmeel-e-Pakistan movement which will come up with a new struggle to lead the country towards the achievement and the true essence of those purposed which Pakistan as a country had to achieve. This resolution comes up with the vision to work only and only for the country to make Pakistan the greatest country of the world. Apparently it demands us to analyze things regarding why as a nation Pakistan […]

Crazy vehicle modifications in Pakistan, Pictures of Suzuki Mehran with butterfly doors

When we talk of vehicle modifications, specially car modification not every one go for it here in Pakistan but you most see lots of people with modified cars etc. Lots of people go for conventional modifications of their old cars to add a new style to their ride, but sometimes you come across some really crazy ideas which you will not find anywhere else in world. Few days back we attended a car racing event in Islamabad where lots of people were there to watch the on going races, among audience there were much of people with modified rides. There was one freak who had applied a crazy idea to his Suzuki Mehran which I never seen any one else […]