Honda bikes prices increased in the May 2023

The auto manufacturers of Pakistan have made it their habit to increase the prices of cars and bikes which they make. Normally the factors like evaluating currency and other economic factors dictate these prices. However, this time seems like Honda bikes prices increased for no apparent reason. As just recently Honda had increased the prices of their bikes in start of last month, April 2023, when the USD valued about the same against local currency, Pakistani Rupee. However, on start of May 2023, Honda again increased the prices of their bikes. The details of old prices and the new prices of Honda bikes are as follows. Bike Model & Model Old Price New Price Increase Honda CD 70 149,000 154,000 […]

New Petrol and Diesel prices for first fortnight of May 2023

As usual govt of Pakistan have again announced the details of changes in Petrol, diesel and kerosene oil for the first fortnight (first 15 days) of May 2023. According to the new petroleum prices, which are set by govt of Pakistan, Petrol prices remained the same however, diesel prices decreased. Kerosene oil also saw a decrease in price for the first fortnight of May 2023. The new petrol and diesel prices were announced by the finance minister Ishaq dar himself, he also tweeted about the new prices. The details of new petroleum prices for first fortnight of May 2023 are as follows. Petroleum Product Old Price New Price Change in Price MS (Petrol) 282.00 282.00 0.00 High Speed Diesel (HSD) […]

Public holiday notified on Labour day May 1 2023 across Pakistan

Across the world in the majority of countries May 1 is associated with labour or workers. It is known as International Workers day in some countries and in other countries it is referred as labour day or world labour day. In Pakistan, May 1 is most commonly known as Labour Day. Like rest of the world in Pakistan as well, people of Pakistan not only celebrate this day but also they enjoy a holiday on the May 1. This year as well, as usual, the federal government as well as the provincial / regional governments across the country are announcing May 1 as the Public Holiday. This year May 1, the Labour day is coming on Monday, this will make […]

Federal Board to start announcing board exams results in grading system instead of marks

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) has decided to start announcing the board exam results in a newly introduced grading system, instead of absolute marks. According to their notification, this have been done to stop the culture of race for marks. This will be implemented ultimately for all board exams including the matric exams (9th & 10th) and the intermediate exams (11th and 12th) held under supervision of FBISE. However, from year 2023 it will only be implemented for the board exam results of 9th and 11th classes. Moreover, it will be implemented for the 10th and 12th classes from year 2024. So for the classes for which this is being implemented in 2023 and 2024, the result […]

Federal Board increased the passing marks percentage for matric and inter

This is not a most recent change, however, many of you may be unaware of the fact that back in the January 2023 Federal board had notified a change in the passing marks for Matric (SSC) and Intermediate (HSSC) exams. According to the notified change, in all subjects, students will need to get 40% marks to pass the subject, instead of previous 33% marks, which were enough to pass a subject. Notification by Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) included a simple one line of text which is as follows. It is notified for information of all concerned that FBISE has increased the pass percentage from 33% to 40% at SSC and HSSC levels. Notification from FBISE dated […]