Shortage of more than 4000 megawatts in Pakistan, Electricity loadshedding hits hard this time

It is just start of spring season and we are already short of electricity in big way, already we are lacking 4o0o plus magewatts of power in Pakistan. What is going to happen in summer season, it will of course be the worst load shedding of all times in Pakistan. One would be optimistic while thinking of what is going to happen in near future but in this case the last two years proved this that things are getting worse and worse day by day. This is definitely the worst failure of all the policies of current government, despite many promises in recent past about electricity they have not been able to cope with this issue and last promise was […]

How to register complaint against a cell phone or landline number in Pakistan

This topic covers how to and where to register your complaint if someone is threatening or annoying you with unnecessary phone calls or text messages from a cell phone or landline number in Pakistan. Unfortunately despite the many campaigns by PTA still there are cell phone connections/SIMs out there which are not registered to any one at all and being used or registered to wrong people other than real users. So before registering one such complaint a thought about the culprit using unregistered or incorrectly registered SIM may stop you from registering the complaint, but this not the way how things work now. Now even if someone is annoying you from an unregistered or incorrectly registered SIM card, you can […]

Pakistani Taxi driver Asif Hussain Shah writes a book and goes online with his taxi

A Pakistani Taxi driver Asif Hussain Shah who drives his cab mainly in Rawalpindi/Islamabad and is citizen of Rawalpindi is the person who thought out of box and written a book. His book is named ‘For Hire’, the book is based on his daily experiences while driving his taxi, mostly based on experiences and thoughts he heard from passengers who traveled in his taxi. Following are few photos of his taxi featuring himself. Asif Hussain Shah not only wrote the book, he gone one step further, he used his cab as a moving bill board to advertise his book. He used the space on sides and behind his taxi to attract more buyers of his book and spread the word […]

Five US nationals caught few months ago in Pakistan now charged by court

Five individuals who born in US and their families belong to different countries traveled from US to Pakistan few months ago, they were suspected to be involved in planing the violence against local forces in problem areas of Pakistan where the militants are hiding. They were also suspected to be helping the banned extremist group in the country. They were taken into custody in December and held into custody for long time involving the several extensions of their initial investigation period. Several individuals were busy investigating the matter and finding any proofs of weather they are innocent or not. Initial plan was to take them in custody for few days, free them up and send them back soon if they […]

US drone aircraft attacks North Waziristan killing ten people

US drone aircraft attacked North Waziristan to target militants on Tuesday. Ten people reportedly killed in the attack. The studies conducted on the US drone attacks on Pakistani areas show that these kind of attacks have not been successful to pin point the militants and one in each three killed people is an innocent civilian. Same is the reason for growing anti American sentiments in the country. Pakistani people and Government already demanded that if US really want to make a contribution towards the restoring peace in the country by taking out militants, they must transfer the drone technology instead of taking control of things themselves on Pakistani soil and let the local forces plan and perform the controlled operations […]