United States discards screening at airports for 14 nations including Pakistan

United states had additional screening procedures for 14 countries including Pakistan. Most of these countries were the Muslim countries and they had to go through this extra screening which included x-ray scanning of body in order to check for any weapons, illegal or dangerous stuff. Lots of people felt humiliated and disliked this extra scanning procedure. Now United States have discarded these procedures and introduced the new profiling procedures which mainly rely on intelligence information and target the people for security check on base of intelligence information about a possible suspect the factors will include age, height and many other information about the suspect. Then this info will be used for security checking of specific number of people. The old […]

Youtube comes with TEXTp video format on april fools day

Youtube which is a google’s product came up with a new TEXTp format for videos on youtube. You can select this from same place where you can select the video resolution like 360p or 480p or higher. This is only available for videos with resolution more than 360p. To watch any of the video in this mode make sure its more than 360p resolution and add &textp=fool on end of video url and it will show the video in text format. i.e. everything in video will be composed of the text. Following is screen capture of a TEXTp video, According to them this will save the broadband costs for them, as more and more people will engage them watching the […]

Telenor Karo Mumkin, Telenor Make it Happen

Telenor Karo Mumkin which translates as Telenor Make it happen is the first of its kind idea by Telenor in Pakistan. Karo Mumkin or Make it happen refers to the making things happen for the country or coming up with a unique idea which will have potential to change many lives in Pakistan. The last date to submit these ideas was the 31st March 2010 after this the program will enter the second stage of going through all the ideas and picking the best 2o ideas to be presented to the Telenor Karo Mumkin show and the final idea will be chosen in the Karo Mumkin Show. Following is the one of Telenor’s official promotion video for this campaign, video […]

How to report a stolen cell phone in Pakistan

If you had a phone that is stolen by someone or its lost and you want to report it so it gets blocked on all GSM Networks in Pakistan, use the following method. Step 1. Get the Information together Following are number of things you will need to get your phone blocked. 1. IMEI Number IMEI Number is a unique number that is assigned to each cell phone, it uniquely identify a single phone as for each manufactured phone ever its different. You will get this number on packing of you phone. For each new phone you purchase you can check its IMEI by using *#06#. It is recommended to use this method for your phone, get the IMEI and […]

Happy Pakistan Day, Lets follow the dream

23rd March is celebrated as Pakistan Day every year here in Pakistan mainly because of the Pakistan resolution we passed back in 1940 on same date. This was the start of Pakistan Movement consisted of struggle for a new separate country for Muslims of Indian subcontinent  where they can live independently and peacefully without  any influence form Hindus and British who never treated us equal back in those days. Now we are living what our ancestors dreamed about 70 years back, at least we have our independence today and can do anything without any foreign influence if we want to. Congratulating you on all on this independence I would like to add that we have not fully achieved what was […]