World’s First Underwater Tweet

Twitter which is mostly used for status updates and link sharing does not had any documented/witnessed underwater tweet from anywhere in the world but recently a Ukrainian Journalist turned the tables and sent the world’s first Underwater Tweet from about 6 meter or 19 feet deep underwater, this was organized event backed by National telecom operator as the tweet was sent by using their services. This underwater tweeting phenomenon is being called scuba tweeting. For world’s first under water tweet a mobile phone wrapped in plastic was used and the tweet was sent using the Opera mobile browser. This is just not a tweet but it tells the importance of technology, this shows even we go too much underwater today’s […]

HEC Pakistan gets 10GB of Internet bandwidth

PTCL will be the provider to 10GB internet Bandwidth to the Higher Education Commission, this bandwidth is going to be used to facilitate the universities by introducing the services like video conferencing, digital libraries and access to the International education and research networks. This is the highest bandwidth which have been taken by any organization ever in Pakistan and thisĀ  10 Bandwidth is going to be used to form the network between the universities and institutes spread all over Pakistan. The initiative have been taken to encourage and back the research. This contract is a Part of Pakistan Education and Research Network 2 (PERN2) which is initiated earlier by HEC Pakistan. PERN2 includes the plans to provide huge number of […]

Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution full text in English and Urdu

Takmeel-e-Pakistan resolution was infact the start of Takmeel-e-Pakistan movement which was initiated by Zaid Hamid and the resolution was passed on 23rd March, 2010. Intentions are to remind people about achieving back the real honor and dignity for our country and us as we meant to have. In my opinion it does not come up with anything new, the constants are already the part of Pakistan Ideology but I consider it as a good reminder to achieve back which this country is meant to have. This actually reminds us Pakistanis to wake up now and work towards the betterment of country and its people, including choosing the right people to lead us. We had previously discussed the Takmeel-e-Pakistan here and […]

India shows concerns over US Pakistan relations

Manmohan Singh the Indian President met Barak Obama the US president on Sunday in United States. As usual they again shown concerns over the on going US Pakistan relationships and the military aid being provided by US to Pakistan to cope with the militants in Pakistani areas. Indian president claimed that the military aid and financial assistance in this regard provided by US government to Pakistan is often used against India, though Indians don’t have any evidence or actual facts and figures about this. The fact actually is that Indian themselves don’t want any good relations with Pakistan and also can not see any good relations of Pakistan with any other country of Pakistan. Later on a meeting between Pakistani […]

United States discards screening at airports for 14 nations including Pakistan

United states had additional screening procedures for 14 countries including Pakistan. Most of these countries were the Muslim countries and they had to go through this extra screening which included x-ray scanning of body in order to check for any weapons, illegal or dangerous stuff. Lots of people felt humiliated and disliked this extra scanning procedure. Now United States have discarded these procedures and introduced the new profiling procedures which mainly rely on intelligence information and target the people for security check on base of intelligence information about a possible suspect the factors will include age, height and many other information about the suspect. Then this info will be used for security checking of specific number of people. The old […]