Unarmed boy Killed by Rangers in Karachi Pakistan

Karachi a young boy named as “Sarfraz” was killed when he was in custody on rangers and rangers brutally opened fire being Judge, Jury and executioners themselves. Boy was clearly posing no threat to the rangers as he was fully unarmed and was even asking for polite stance from rangers. No rule of law in entire world allow anyone to do such a vicious act, this is clearly a murder and must be met by murder charges on the person who fired the gun shots on that unarmed boy. The human rights organizations must come forward to bring the dead to the justice by making sure that killer is brought in front of a court. Even after this vicious assault […]

Geo Super allowed to start broadcasting from Pakistan

PEMRA  is told by Supreme court of Pakistan to issue the license to Geo Super to open transmission from Pakistan again. Geo super have been operating from Pakistan from years and is only sports channel of Pakistan but just months ago Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) run into issues with Geo Network and they closed the only sports channel of Pakistan. The reason of this closure is told as the fearless journalism of GEO Networks where even against government they openly discussed the issues and kept pointing out wherever government was not performing duties or not doing required as most of Pakistan media doing now a days. So according to many, this was some kind of revenge of Pakistan […]

Now others have to tell Pakistan to solve our own problems

It is unfortunate but it is true that the current political party of Pakistan in power called Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) have lived up to its reputation of incompetency in every trait of life, other than identifying and rectifying the problems which their country is facing, they lately seem to be causing the situations where others seem to telling us what our problems are and how we have to solve them. One such situation came forward when recently US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visited Pakistan and in one of her public speeches she said and I quote United State can not and should not solve the problems of Pakistan, Pakistan have to identify their own problems and have to […]

Car bomb blast shakes the city of Peshawar

A car full of explosive material weighing about 300 KG rammed right into the police station situated at Jamrud Road in Peshawar. Initial reports tell that 21 were injured and two were killed in the incident. The affected by the blast were policemen including those who died. Soon after the attack Taliban have took the responsibility of attack, according to them these attacks are reaction to the Osama Bin Laden’s assassination. Taliban are  being seen on a role these days, earlier they took responsibility of an attack on Pakistani Naval base which killed many and destroyed two of modern aircrafts. All of this according to them is a revenge of Osama’s killing in Pakistan by US forces.  

China stands by Pakistan once again, now on issue of Pakistan’s sovereignty

Right from beginning the relationships between the Pakistan and China have been nothing less than awesome. They always supported each other on many International forums and stood by each other when ever required. Its not just that, in many traits both countries have been running joint projects which also include defense co-operation and building up the defense capabilities together. The fighter Air Craft JF-17 Thunder was latest example of that co-operation, this was built be engineers of both countries together and symbolizes the friendship between these two countries. China have played their role very well, right from the beginning, they were here for us without any conditions and terms like a loyal friend unlike our always shaky relationships with United […]