Worst power load shedding of history brings people to the roads

Recently the worst power shortage and load shedding in response hit the country. The power requirement of country in these days is about 16500 Mega Watts (MW) but the production is down to all time low in recent times which is just 7500 MW. In response the electricity load shedding of hours is being observed all over the country. Most effected in recent times are the business people and industries, which are all shut down due to power outages. Common people who rely on power for their living are most affected and furious, hence loads of people have hit the roads once again to remind the current government of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) about their unfulfilled promises of putting an […]

Pakistan Government bans all its employees from interaction with media

Pakistan Government have asked all its employees working country wide to stay away from media. This move was taken in fear of facing any further embarrassment due to any revelation of facts by any government employees. The current political party in government (Pakistan Peoples Party) have failed to achieve desirable on many fronts and were not able to solve some of main common man problems as well as national issues. Pakistan peoples party does not seem popular among people of Pakistan after all these years of their administration of country. Many facts keep coming out, which does not go in favor of current government and cause further damage to their image. This move was taken exactly in this context to […]

US Admiral Mike Mullen accuses Pakistani Intelligence agencies of supporting terror in Afghanistan

Since 2001 after the 9 11 attacks on world trade center towers in US, Pakistan have been the main ally of US in war against terror. Pakistani soil as well as resources have been and beingĀ  used to cope with the bad guys in Afghanistan. All supplies to US soldiers in Afghanistan were through Pakistan. Also 70 billion dollars was the money Pakistan had spent to facilitate the war against terror where only 20 billion dollars were provided by United States. Now when the war against terror is going to be over soon and control over the bad guys have been pretty much gained, United States instead of endorsing or appreciating the efforts of its main ally, the blame game […]

The story of Pakistani youth and their trust in politician named Imran Khan

The former Pakistani cricketer Imran Khan have certainly became the hope for Pakistan in politics. Specially Pakistani youth thinks if he is given chance to lead the country, he can do the wonders and can bring the country out of darkness where we are facing many unsolved problems like breaking economy, deteriorating currency, bad security situation, mishandled foreign relations, increasing poverty, electricity/gas load shedding, inflation, corruption, lack of quality education facilities, lack of medical facilities, joblessness and what not. The Irony is that current political parties and even few of previous governments as well mishandled these issues and in fact were not able to do any thing to cope with these issues. Now many, specially the educated youth of this […]

Election Commission of Pakistan revealed issue of bogus votes continues in the new voter lists

As the finalization of new voter lists is underway and the due date for those lists completion is round the corner as they were suppose to be completed by the up coming 30th of September. But with just five days remaining, the election commission identified the issue with the newly prepared voter lists. According to Election commission they found the 37 million people on voters lists which could not be confirmed. These unconfirmed voters belong to areas all over the country. FATA had about 7 million, Punjab 8 million, Sindh over 5 million and Islamabad found to have 1.2 million unconfirmed voters on newly created voter lists. Same is the story with the voter lists prepared from other areas of […]