It is unfortunate but it is true that the current political party of Pakistan in power called Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) have lived up to its reputation of incompetency in every trait of life, other than identifying and rectifying the problems which their country is facing, they lately seem to be causing the situations where others seem to telling us what our problems are and how we have to solve them.
One such situation came forward when recently US secretary of state Hillary Clinton visited Pakistan and in one of her public speeches she said and I quote
United State can not and should not solve the problems of Pakistan, Pakistan have to identify their own problems and have to take though decisions to resolve them.
What a shame for a so called democratic government of a country that someone from thousands of Kilometers away have to come and tell the political leadership about the problems of their country and have to urge them to take solid actions to resolve them.
Irony is the problems that Hillary had to point out were not limited to the coping with terroristsĀ which may be hiding in the country but the issues she raised also involved the poverty, power shortages, law ‘n’ order and much more.
Now if the Zardari administration of country would have been doing some solid work on these issues, they would definitely have come up with solid response to these statements but nothing just came from the government on this.
By the way nothing comes from this government as form of response from this government unlike some few governments of Pakistan in past. I remember the time of Pervez Musharraf in power, despite the fact that he was some one called military dictator, each time when the country was in some kind serious situation or hard times, we have always heard special addresses to the nation from the him explaining the situation and the way forward along it.
Even in the power period of PML-N we have witnessed some of these speeches in hard times, directed specifically to people of Pakistan where I remember the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had explained the situations and explained the next step to go forward.
But the point is now there is no such thing like taking the people of Pakistan in confidence in the agenda of current government. The Zardari administration seems to be totally indifferent of issues which are faced by people of Pakistan. Either it is the issue of terrorism, electricity shortages, gas shortages, daily used commodities’ shortages, ever growing inflation rates, terror events or even the events like US violating Pakistan’s territory to take care of Osama Bin Laden without even notifying Pakistan, government will just not speak out, will not just address the nation to let them know what is the plan to go forward.
By the way apparently there have not been a plan, because if there was, the country’s half problems would have been solved by now considering Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) have just completed their three years in the country.
As a proud citizen of country Pakistan and on behalf 180 million other resident souls I can safely say, we have nothing to do with politics all we want is “the political parties who are in power should deliver, whatever they are suppose to deliver; other than just being indifferent of people’s problems” and watch it because the day is not far when people of Pakistan will wake up from that sleep or ignorance and you may not have a second chance.
What described above was a personal opinion and compensates for the feelings of millions of other Pakistanis, let us know via comments if you support or differ with whatever presented above.