Like the other epic problems of Karachi, another problem is of electric supply to the city. Load-shedding is there all over country but Karachi city in this regard in on whole new level. Since the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) was privatized the electricity problems of city only increased. Its case of current owners of KESC not being able to keep their electricity power houses functional. On some places its lack of maintenance and on other its non timely payments of fuel, this all cause the electricity shortfalls and ultimately Karachi’s citizens pay the price in terms of power load-shedding and failures.
Recently one such incident took place when Sui Sothern Gas Company (SSGC) cut the Gas supply to one of KESC power plants situated in Korangi, Karachi. In result it tripped and added 220 Mega Watt to the electricity shortage of city and the problems of residents of Karachi.
KESC claims that forcibly this cut of supply was performed by SSGC, on other side SSGC spokes person told that it is due to the non payments by KESC, which they had to pay to SSGC. KESC have to pay Rs. 28 billion to SSGC, so thats why the SSGC have the natural gas supply of KESC to 180 mmcfd where the KESC is demanding supply to be the 226mmcfd.
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