About couple of days ago as I shared my horrible experience of getting life time token for my car. It was horrible because there was no guidance there and also I didn’t knew the process either. I will now elaborate the whole process in easy steps which you have to follow, that will make your experience much easier. You can also read my experience about getting the life time token, if you want.
These steps are valid for Punjab only, also remember now in Punjab for cars up to 1000cc you have to get life time token in any condition, cars up to 1000 cc can’t get yearly token now. So it would be one time process.
So what you have to do is,
1. As soon as you reach “Excise and taxation office” of your city, go directly to photocopier to grab a form, now if your car is old and you have payed some token earlier, a specific amount from each token you will enter into the form for each year. E.g. for me from 1490, for each year 540 was counted for each year. Also for any missing previous token receipt, your amount will be not counted. If you have many receipts missing, then you must go first to post office and get a certificate about how many money was paid here. This all amount will have to minus from 10,000 rupees and you will have to pay the rest.
2. Then after filling the form, you will have to go to an officer, who will assess how much you have to pay. The copier in step one will guide you about the room, its called room 2B in Rawalpindi excise office. He will write your to be paid amount in red. Also, he will write two other amounts too, these are additional taxes which you will have to pay. As form is confusing so i thought, its what i have paid, but take good cash with you. Your final bill could be from 5 to 15 thousand.
3. Now rush to a window marked with letters of your car, i.e. if your number is RIA 3949 you will find a window which have along with other initials also have RIA, there you will pay, get a receipt and stamp on your registration book. now go back to the room I described as 2B. Get signed your book here and you are free now. I was gone back to line of my window as I thought they still have to give me that sticker receipt they mentioned on book, but no, you are free and have token paid for life. Enjoy!
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2 thoughts on “How to get life time token for your car in punjab, easy steps”
Thanks dear, i learned alot from your provided Information. God Bless you.
what if somebody has not paid token for past 2 yrs, will he be charged that money in addition to life time token amount?