Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Pakistan (FBISE) have already announced the results of both SSC part 1 and part 2. Both metric and intermediate exam results can be checked on the official results page setup by federal board for results by just selecting your program like SSC or HSSC and the part 1 or 2 and entering the role number in the field below. However, at the time of writing of this article, only the results of metric 2023 are available and the results of intermediate 2022. However, as soon as the results of intermediate 2023 are announced, they will be updated on the results page.
Also the official results page of FBISE (linked above) also lists the results by institutions. You can see the results by institution by clicking the “institution wise results” button on the bottom. As the SSC exams took place earlier, their results are already available, however results of HSSC exams 2023 will soon become available on same webpage, make sure to keep checking the page again and again, once daily.
The exact expected date of the results of FBISE HSSC annual exams was not revealed, however it is most likely that the results of Federal board HSSC Part 1 and 2 will become available in August 2023. As soon as the results are made available, we will also let you know. So do subscribe to web notifications via the bell button on bottom right corner of this page.
From this year federal board had already announced that the passing marks percentage will changes to 40% instead of 33%, which was used. Also Federal Board had decided to announce results in GPA and Grading and slowly leaving the marks system behind. However, for this year and the next marks will still be included in the results but beyond that, only GPA and Grades will be visible.
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Matric Result