Constitution of Pakistan
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Article 249: Legal proceedings

1. Any legal proceedings which, but for the Constitution, could have been brought by or against the Federation in respect of a matter which, immediately before the commencing day, was the responsibility of the Federation and has, under the Constitution, become the responsibility of a Province, shall be brought by or against the Province concerned; and if any such legal proceedings were pending in any court immediately before the commencing day then, in those proceedings, for the Federation the Province concerned shall, as from that day, be deemed to have been substituted.

2. Any legal proceedings which, but for the Constitution, could have been brought by or against a Province in respect of a matter which, immediately before the commencing day, was the responsibility of the Province and has under the Constitution become the responsibility of the Federation, shall be brought by or against the Federation; and if any such legal proceedings were pending in any court immediately before the commencing day then, in those proceedings, for the Province the Federation shall, as from that day, be deemed to have been substituted.

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