Article 156: National Economic Council
1. The President shall constitute a National Economic Council which shall consist of -
a. the Prime Minister, who shall be the Chairman of the Council;
b. the Chief Ministers and one member from each Province to be nominated by the Chief Minister; and
c. four other members as the Prime Minister may nominate from time to time.
2. The National Economic Council shall review the overall economic condition of the country and shall, for advising the Federal Government and the Provincial Governments, formulate plans in respect of financial, commercial, social and economic policies; and in formulating such plans it shall, amongst other factors, ensure balanced development and regional equity and shall also be guided by the Principles of Policy set out in
Chapter 2 of Part-II.
3. The meetings of the Council shall be summoned by the Chairman or on a requisition made by one-half of the members of the Council.
(4) The Council shall meet at least twice in a year and the quorum for a meeting of the Council shall be one-half of its total membership.
(5) The Council shall be responsible to the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) and shall submit an Annual Report to each House of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).