In certain areas of KPK province of Pakistan, due lack of road infrastructure, the students and teachers have to use the cable cars to reach schools in the morning. These cable cars are suspended thousand feet or more higher from ground. Couple of days ago, when six students and two teachers of KPK were using a similar cable car to go to school, two of the cables snapped and only one cable was holding all the weight. This cable car was suspended more than 900 feet higher from the ground level.
In such situation, when two cables broke, it was very difficult for the cable car to operate. So, as this incident took place in the early morning, the rescue efforts to bring all the affected people to the ground continued into the night. Two students were rescued by Army aviation helicopters while others were rescued via alternate means, as helicopters were finding it hard to steadily hover over the place where cable car was suspended, due to the lower air pressure in the area.
Anyways, into the night, all the 8 people were rescued, thanks to efforts of Army aviation, SSG commandos of Pakistan Army, different national, provincial and local disaster management and rescue departments and above all, the locals who took part in rescue and played a major role.
Recently, BBC News Urdu have got hold of a drone footage of cable car hanging on single cable. Also later on the video shows the affected people being rescued. BBC have published the video on their youtube channel. The video is as follows.
In the video above, the students can be seen in the hanging cable car with worries and fear on their faces. They were at the time only hanging via a single cable which could have snapped anytime like other ones. But thanks to Allah, the cable remained intact and all the people were successfully rescued. The affected people kept hanging there for more than 12 hours while they were short of food supplies and water. So after getting them down, their health was checked and accordingly few were injected with the IV fluids.