While all the branches of many private school networks have internet access in their computer labs as an essential feature, on same time many govt schools lack the same. However, now Punjab Education Department (PED) have decided to provide internet access to all schools under it, all across the punjab province.
Decision have been taken to equip the schools with the needs of twenty-first century, where internet access is an essential facility to have. However, here at ‘Info Pakistan’ we feel that internet facility without the properly equipped labs, which have the latest operating systems and softwares, will be just waste.
So special attention is needed to be put on setting up the computer labs in Punjab Govt schools where they are missing. Also now a days not only computer science must be a mandatory subject instead of an elective but also some level of coding or programming must also be added to the syllabus. As coding or programming is going to be absolutely necessary skill for our new generations.
Again, we truly appreciate the initiative of providing the internet to the schools across the board by Punjab Education Department (PED), if implemented. However, again. as we said, it will just be a waste without provision of capable modern hardware and software as well as inclusion of mandatory computer science subject in the syllabus.
However, this is very important to mention here, this project is still in planning phase and hopefully, soon it will see the day of light. Also reportedly, PED have built an app using which the students of up to intermediate level can take the lectures. Also ten fully equipped buses have been prepared as the mobile schools, which will serve as a useful tool to educate the children of deprived localities.