Its now days after petrol shortage started, the queues of People waiting for the fuel are getting longer and longer but more than half of petrol pumps are now closed. Other ones are only providing the petrol worth of just 500 to 250 Rupees per vehicle. Shortage started when PSO was denied by suppliers because it did not had payed for the petrol it had got earlier on credit as PSO (Pakistan State Oil) had exhausted its all credit lines due to non payment. Non payment due to circular debt 200 billion rupees. Much of that was created due to non payment of govt departments to PSO for the petrol they had acquired.
Most notable non payment of this kind is attributed to power sector of Pakistan which had to pay over 70 billion to PSO but held the payment.
Now here we are, the whole nation caught in shortage of petrol only because govt organizations didn’t done job. The very job which is reason for their existence. It is not just few cities of Pakistan, the most areas of most hit province Punjab face same situation.
This following Samma TV DailyMotion video shows the situation of one of affected cities.
Government which had promised people to keep supplying the natural gas in the winter of 2014 – 2015 and ahead with the import of Liquid Natural Gas, has failed to do so as well. Natual Gas is also used in vehicles in Pakistan as CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). CNG is also closed in the country now only due to mismanagement of government of Pakistan which had resulted in shortage of Natural Gas. Now all that load as well is also on the petrol supply, here again the concerned departments does not have anticipated the increase in usage of petrol due to CNG closure, ahead of time. Its now again normal people who have to suffer only just becuase the party in power did not done their job well. If you are still confused, I am talking PML-N here.