Pictures from inside Khewra Salt Mines

Khewra slat mines are situated in Khewra District Jhelam. Location is about 160 KM from capital Islamabad, Pakistan. Salt generation per day is about 15000 metric tons per day. About 700 people work in salt mines to cut out the salt daily. Khewra salt mines are largest in Asia and second largest world wide. Following is the albums of some photo shots taken inside Khewra Salt Mines. Subscribe to daily email update and our Facebook page from sidebar on right to keep yourself updated.

Pictures near Khewra Salt Mines

Here are few shots taken near Khewra Salt Mines, Pictures from inside mines will also be available later. The resort shown in picture above is built specially for Asthma patients and connects directly to inside mines via stairs. It contains hospital and place for patients to rest as long as they want. Next you will find the pictures from inside Khewra salt mines.